Altarum to Present at Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine’s 2022 Annual Conference

Thursday, March 10 - Sunday, March 13, 2022

Baltimore, MD


Date & Location

Thu, Mar 10 - Sun, Mar 13, 2022

The Baltimore Convention Center
One West Pratt Street Baltimore
Baltimore, MD 21201

Host Organization

AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine

Anne Montgomery, MS, a program director on Altarum’s Delivery System Transformation team, will join Victoria Walker, MD, CMD, medical and clinical officer of Senior Care at Avel eCARE and founder of CodaCare, to present “What Gets Measured Matters: Introducing a Culture Change Tracking Tool to Capture Person-Centered Care and Quality of Life Progress for QAPI Initiatives” on Thursday, March 10th at 6:00 pm ET at the Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine’s 2022 Annual Conference.

Through this narrated poster presentation, attendees will learn how data from Altarum’s quality improvement instrument was used to anchor a Quality Assurance Performance Improvement Program (QAPI) Performance Improvement Project (PIP) to improve resident Quality of Life (QOL) in the following area: “Residents have opportunities to engage in activities that promote relationship building.”

Altarum developed the Systems Change Tracking Tool (SCTT) and first used it to measure progress of nursing homes participating in a Michigan Department of Health and Human Services-funded project to bring culture change to a group of Michigan nursing homes and measure the impact of implementing person-centered practices.

Most QAPI projects focus on clinical measures, but often these are not applicable to measuring resident experience or quality of life. Nursing homes find it challenging to create QOL-related improvement projects without data, and the SCTT provides data that enables building QOL-focused PIPs. 

Based on these findings, Medical Directors and other nursing home leaders are encouraged to consider using the SCTT in the context of culture change training and implementation projects to help design QOL PIPs. 

Anne will also join a 90-minute interdisciplinary team panel discussion on Saturday, March 13th, “Appropriate Staffing in Post-Acute and Long-Term Care,” which will review the current state of evidence for optimal staffing levels, discuss challenges and areas of success, and provide recommendations for improving staffing methods despite ongoing changes in post-acute and long-term care.

For more information on the event, visit: