Medicare and Medicaid

How can we improve health outcomes of individuals enrolled in Medicaid and Medicare while controlling costs? As participation in both programs continues to grow, initiatives to improve enrollee experiences while maximizing care coordination and program efficiencies will be essential. 

Medicare and Medicaid Solutions


Altarum helps insurers and providers improve quality of care for patients by delivering accredited medical education, optimizing electronic health record technology, integrating evidence-based clinical support tools into workflows, and providing hands-on technical assistance. Through these and other evidence-based quality improvement methods, we’re improving coordination of care and management of chronic and complex conditions.

In addition, Altarum Medicare-Medicaid Services for States (AMMS) provides states with exceptional national expertise around dual eligible and long-term services and supports (LTSS) policy and program administration. Our state-specific, data-driven approaches improve health equity and outcomes while efficiently managing Medicaid dollars. 

Medicare and Medicaid Contact

Contact Us

Sarah Barth

Sarah Barth  - JD

Executive Director, Medicare-Medicaid Services for States 

Areas of Expertise
  • Strategy and Program Design
  • Program Administration and Operations
  • Communications and Stakeholder Engagement

Sarah leads Altarum Medicare-Medicaid Services for States (AMMS), a nonprofit organization that helps states create financially sustainable solutions to advance health, health equity, wellness, and independent living for dually eligible individuals. With over 25 years of experience in publicly financed healthcare, she brings national expertise around Medicare-Medicaid integration and long-term services and supports (LTSS) policy and program administration.

Sarah has worked extensively with states, CMS, providers, health plans, consumers, and advocacy organizations to design and implement Medicaid managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) programs and Medicare-Medicaid integration initiatives. Prior to Altarum, her positions included being a principal at Health Management Associates, director for Integrated Care and LTSS at Center for Health Care Strategies, LTSS bureau chief for New Mexico Human Services Department, and director of special projects at the Massachusetts Office of Medicaid.

Sarah has a law degree from Suffolk University Law School and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania. 

Krissy Azeem

Krissy Azeem  - MPH, PMP

Senior Director, Delivery System Transformation 

Areas of Expertise
  • Medicaid
  • Training and Technical Assistance
  • Long-Term Services and Supports

A leader in innovating the care delivery system with health plan, state, and federal partners, Krissy is proficient in health policy implementation and analysis, with a focus on home and community-based waivers and long-term services and supports. She has an eye for identifying the unintended consequences of proposed policies and creating innovative, and realistic, recommendations for state partners. Krissy has deep experience in providing technical assistance, designing and implementing action-oriented and outcomes-based learning systems, and catalyzing behavior change through thoughtful and strategic training. Passionate about improving the care delivery system, she has supported states and communities in enhancing the infrastructure, training, and experiences for direct service workers, including those who self-direct. Krissy holds a Master of Public Health degree from The George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Sciences.