Monday, November 14 - Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Washington, DC
Altarum is proud to sponsor and attend the National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) 2022 Fall Conference. The event will take place in Washington, DC, November 14–16th. Attendees can connect with the Altarum team during the event in booth 44 in the exhibit hall and by using the Meet and Greet Appointment Booking Tool in the conference registration system or by contacting Altarum Director of State Growth Maggie Fairchild.
The NAMD Fall Conference brings together state Medicaid Directors, industry leaders, and key decision makers. As Medicaid enrollments grow to encompass nearly a third of Americans, the program’s role in strengthening health care service delivery and promoting the health of the nation is more important than ever.
Key topics for this year’s event include promoting strong and stable families, building system linkages, and Medicaid essentials. Other high-priority topics will include meeting behavioral health care needs, engaging Medicaid beneficiaries, and addressing workforce issues.
Connect with Altarum to learn how we’re transforming health care by helping states build better programs for dually eligible individuals, preparing states for Covid-19 public health emergency (PHE) unwinding, increasing equitable access to behavioral health services for adolescents in rural communities, enabling states to expand their LTSS workforce through a workforce registry, learning management system, and credentialing tool, providing support to Medicaid providers to improve quality, efficiency, and interoperability, and identifying ways to enhance collaboration and integration between Title V Maternal Child Health Grants and Medicaid. Our partnerships with state Medicaid and public health departments, federal agencies, and community-based organizations nationwide enable us to promote health equity, scale public health infrastructure, and implement insights and efficiencies to ensure all people have opportunities to lead healthy lives.