Wednesday, June 01 - Friday, June 03, 2022
San Diego, CA
The National Coalition of Sexual Health, a coalition led by Altarum with over 200 members working together to improve the sexual health of Americans nationwide, will attend the American College Health Association Conference to exhibit, recruit members, and promote NCSH’s educational sexual health resources for the public, and tools for health care providers on providing comprehensive, inclusive sexual health care. Visit our team in the exhibit hall.
Since 1920, the American College Health Association (ACHA) has served as the voice for student health and wellness. Through advocacy, research, and education, ACHA stands at the forefront of issues that impact the health and wellness of our college students. ACHA represents over 700 institutions of higher education and the collective health and wellness needs of 20 million college students. ACHA serves over 8,500 individual college health and wellness professionals and leaders of all disciplines united together to advance the health and wellness of college students.
Follow the National Coalition for Sexual Health on Twitter for live updates from the conference: @NCSH_