Altarum performed a comprehensive assessment of CPAC Workforce Development performance, identifying gaps in services, and providing recommendations based on industry best practices.
CPAC sought Altarum to initiate a WFD Training Needs Analysis to perform a comprehensive assessment of current CPAC WFD performance, identify gaps in services, and provide recommendations based on industry best practices to improve overall program effectiveness.
The scope of this assessment included a comprehensive review of the CPAC WFD, existing metrics, and training-related documentation, ultimately focusing on identifying gaps in CPAC educational requirements and leveraging those gaps to identify opportunities to coordinate training efforts with other U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs entities. The three objectives of this analysis follow:
The key successes of this initiative are still to be determined. Altarum’s opportunity to assist CPAC in realizing a best-practice staff development and retention program is achievable. Altarum can support CPAC with continuing to build on the competency-based management (CBM) development framework that was revealed in 2011. CBM integration across the human capital lifecycle provides a multitude of opportunities, with varying levels of benefits to an organization based on its unique mission, culture, and influences.