Outcome Evaluation of the University of Tennessee Extension Farmers’ Market Fresh Nutrition Education Program

Online Article | July 01, 2019 | Brent Walker, MS, RD, Margaret Wilkin, MPH, Brenda Wolford, MS, RD, Molly Carmody, MA, Karen L. Franck, PhD, and Christopher T. Sneed, PhD

Source: Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior

Altarum conducted a statewide outcome evaluation of University of Tennessee Extension’s Farmers’ Market Fresh program, a program designed to increase fruit and vegetable consumption by limited resource families through nutrition education provided at farmers' markets.

Findings from the Altarum’s evaluation indicated that shoppers at markets where Farmers’ Market Fresh was present were significantly more likely than shoppers at other markets to report receiving information about purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables on a limited budget and selecting a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Altarum concluded that the Farmers’ Market Fresh program was successful with increasing confidence and behaviors related to healthy eating among farmers’ market shoppers.