What is the role of stigma in the opioid epidemic and how can we address it?
The Detroit Area Mental Health Leadership Team, a research partnership led by the Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research, collaborated with community and academic partners in the Detroit area to develop an advocacy brief that can guide academic, health and other institutions in addressing this challenge in addition to redesigning recovery services in the time of Covid-19. Altarum is proud to be part of this initiative.
Why do we need this advocacy brief? As the opioid epidemic continues to sweep through the US, and the coronavirus pandemic wreaks havoc on our economic and health care systems, vulnerable and at-risk populations dealing with opioid use disorder may be further marginalized. Additionally, the stigma and discrimination associated with drug use, coupled with a lack of trust in medical providers, often discourages people from seeking care.
The brief recommends public health approaches to reducing stigma and redesigning recovery services during the pandemic, including:
Ready to learn more? Download the Advocacy Brief Combating Stigma Associated with Opioid Use Disorders