Sustainable U.S. Health Spending in the Next Administration

Video Recording

Multimedia | July 21, 2016

As the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and a strengthening economy continue to expand health insurance coverage, health spending growth has trended above its recent historic lows. To what extent has this imperiled longer-term sustainability and what should the next Administration do about cost control? Our fifth annual Robert Wood Johnson Foundation-funded symposium, coming four months before the presidential election, will update health politics and divergent policy choices, discuss health care and resultant fiscal pressures, and peer into the future health spending trends.

If you were unable to attend the event or would like a revisit the material, you can view a video recording of the full conference. Use the linked images below to navigate to different sessions within the recording.

Session I - The Budget and Future Policy Landscape

Session 1 

Session II - Health and Health Care Cost Factors

Session 2 

Session III - Increased Coverage, Reduced Costs, Greater Efficiency: The Outlook

Session 3 

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