
Our research is used by government agencies, foundations, and others to advance better health policies and programs.


Sine Qua Non: A Healthy Nation Requires Real Budget Constraints in All Government Health Programs

October 28, 2020 | Report

In this study prepared by Altarum, C. Eugene Steuerle of the Urban Institute explains that every government health program should operate under the same budget constraint that applies to other government programs.

October 2020 Health Sector Economic Indicators Briefs

October 16, 2020 | Economic Indicators

National health spending recovers to August 2019 level, accelerated health care price growth continues for another month, and the health care job rebound levels off.

September 2020 Health Sector Economic Indicators Briefs

September 17, 2020 | Economic Indicators

Our September 2020 briefs illustrate the continued recovery of health care spending during the Covid-19 pandemic. While health care continues to regain jobs, labor is still 4.5% below pre-Covid employment. ​

Projections of the Non-Retail Prescription Drug Share of National Health Expenditures

September 11, 2020 | Report

This report provides an estimate of the non-retail component of drug spending in 2018.

Strategies to Advance Insulin Affordability in the United States

September 10, 2020 | Report

US insulin prices are the highest in the world and unaffordable for millions of American. Our policy roadmap shows how to address this problem.

August 2020 Health Sector Economic Indicators Briefs

August 14, 2020 | Economic Indicators

This month's analysis shows that national health spending continued to rebound in June, and health care regained half of jobs lost in spring, although the pace of recovery has slowed.

July 2020 Health Sector Economic Indicators Briefs

July 17, 2020 | Economic Indicators

This month’s Health Sector Economic Indicators Briefs show a rebound in health care spending and jobs, and varied price effects from the Covid-19 pandemic.

June 2020 Health Sector Economic Indicators Briefs

June 12, 2020 | Economic Indicators

​These monthly briefs analyze the most recent data available on health sector employment, spending, prices, and utilization—helping to fill gaps in the official government data.