August 06, 2019
New analysis by Altarum published in Health Affairs shows that seven and thirty-day unplanned readmission rates in the Military Health System (MHS) have fallen in the last eight years amid ongoing efforts by MHS to improve quality of care over the same period. The study also provides in-depth data and analysis on readmission rates by treatment service for military leadership to identify additional targets for health policy and interventions for continuous improvement in health outcomes and readiness.
Altarum examined seven and thirty-day unplanned readmission rates based on Military Health System and TRICARE claims data from FY 2011 to 2018 for patients aged 18 to 64. Below are highlights from the study:
The Military Health System serves nearly 10 million active duty uniformed service members, retirees, and their families. Readmission rates are important to examine as they are an established indicator of quality of care. Furthermore, reducing readmission rates also can improve inpatient experience, reduce mortality and lengths of stay, minimize cost, and improve readiness.
The study was conducted by Craig Holden, PhD, of Altarum; Kimberley Marshall-Aiyelawo, PhD, of the Defense Health Agency; Chantell Frazier, PhD, of Altarum; Joseph Dorris, MS, of Altarum; Tara Fowler, PhD, of Altarum; Mitchell Mismash, MPH; Jenifer Meno, PhD, of the Defense Health Agency; and Koji Nishimura, MD, of the Defense Health Agency.
Read the full study in the August issue of Health Affairs: Prevalence of Unplanned Readmissions Among Patients of Military Treatment Facilities.