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Altarum Selected as Technical Assistance Vendor Supporting Health Care Delivery Transformation for Californians with Lower Incomes

September 19, 2023 | Announcement

California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) is an initiative to transform and strengthen the state’s Medicaid program to make it more equitable, coordinated, and person-centered. As a vendor in the CalAIM PATH Technical Assistance (TA) Marketplace, Altarum can provide health care providers, community-based organizations, counties, and others with expert TA in building data capacity, strengthening community supports, and supporting workforce recruitment and retention.

In Health Affairs, Altarum Demonstrates the Economic Benefits of Lead Water Service Line Replacement in Michigan

August 07, 2023 | Announcement

In the August 2023 issue of Health Affairs, Altarum experts teamed up with Safe Water Engineering, LLC, and Michigan State University to provide a cost benefit analysis of Michigan’s recently revised Lead and Copper Rule requiring water utilities to inventory and replace all lead-containing water service lines. Their analysis uncovers a sizable benefit to this primary prevention-driven policy. This important article is available to read for free.

New Study Shows Michiganders are Among the Least Healthy Americans

August 03, 2023 | Press Release

Altarum and the Citizens Research Council of Michigan today released “Health Challenges and Opportunities,” the third in a series of five papers. The research series, “Michigan’s Path to a Prosperous Future: Challenges and Opportunities,” addresses a variety of recent statewide trends, from population change to health outcomes to infrastructure quality, many of which are progressing unfavorably, and how Michigan can support a more prosperous, thriving future.

Altarum Leads National Training and Technical Assistance Center for 988 and Crisis Services

August 02, 2023 | Announcement

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has selected Altarum to provide training and technical assistance support to states, territories, tribal organizations, and community partners across the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline ecosystem to transform the crisis care system.

New Report Shares How States Can Promote Healthy Aging Across Evolving Medicare-Medicaid Models

July 31, 2023 | Announcement

How can we improve care coordination and health outcomes for older adults with higher needs? The John A. Hartford Foundation-funded report explores a promising AAA/D-SNP model in Indiana that integrates the age-friendly 4Ms framework and how it might be replicated nationwide.

In Health Affairs Forefront, Altarum Analyzes Factors Behind Decrease in US Health Care Spending Growth in 2022

June 06, 2023 | Perspective

In this Forefront piece, Corwin Rhyan and George Miller use data from Altarum’s monthly Health Sector Economic Indicators spending series to analyze 2022 health spending, identify trends by payer and by price/utilization, and compare the health spending totals to what health spending was forecasted to be based on prior CMS projections.

Altarum and Citizens Research Council of Michigan Publish “Michigan’s Path to a Prosperous Future: Challenges and Opportunities” Report

May 16, 2023 | Announcement

The report provides a data-informed vision of Michigan’s future based on current trends and trajectories across multiple dimensions: demographic, economic, workforce, infrastructure, environment, and public services.

Community Care Corps Announces Latest Request for Proposals

May 11, 2023 | Announcement

Community Care Corps has launched the fourth grant cycle of funding for innovative local models using volunteers to assist family caregivers, older adults, or adults with disabilities. As a partner in the Administration for Community Living-funded initiative, Altarum is responsible for monitoring and evaluating Community Care Corp programs.