
Our research is used by government agencies, foundations, and others to advance better health policies and programs.


Price Transparency and Physician Quality Report Card 2017

November 08, 2017 | Report

Most states fail to provide consumers with the information they need to make informed health care choices and even fewer provide data on the price and quality of care together, according to a report by independent nonprofit organizations Altarum and Catal

Right Place, Right Time

January 17, 2017 | Report

This report focuses on the needs of lower-income consumers, Medicaid beneficiaries, the uninsured, caregivers, and Spanish speakers, and how health care information can be delivered at the right place and right time to maximize consumer value.

Technical Notes on Triangle of Painful Choices

June 06, 2016 | Research Brief

The triangle of painful choices was first introduced in August 2012 as a tool to provide insights about what rate of growth in health spending would be sustainable in the long term.

A Framework for Assessing the Value of Investments in Nonclinical Prevention

December 10, 2015 | Online Article

Validity of a New Patient Engagement Measure: The Altarum Consumer Engagement (ACE) Measure™

June 23, 2015 | Online Article

The ACE Measure™ is a tool designed to assess the health engagement levels of individuals and populations.

Building the Evidence Base for Population-Level Interventions

March 31, 2015 | Online Article

This article describes the creation of a resource that helps public health practitioners use current evidence for strategic decision making while building the evidence base for population-level interventions.

Clarifying Feasible Procedures for Reinvesting Health Care Cost Savings

September 18, 2014 | Research Brief

Efforts to promote significant change in the U.S. health system are underway in a variety of settings and along multiple dimensions.

Tradeoffs in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, Treatment, and Research

June 16, 2013 | Online Article

It is widely believed that the US health care system needs to transition from a culture of reactive treatment of disease to one of proactive prevention.